The treatment of prostatitis most effective remedies


Since the treatment of the prostatitis remedies, the most effective methods, for the comments of experienced professionals, will be: the physical exercise and the diet, all the details are on this web site. Prostate, due to its properties, is an inflammatory disease, not bacterial. In this sense, the exercises to improve the circulation of the prostate will be more effective in the fight against the disease.

Squats with weight, elevation of legs, scissors, and other exercises for the lower body – this is all that is necessary for the treatment of this disease. In the same way, to a higher treatment efficacy, it should include training and cardio exercises, such as: run, jump, work in the simulator for endurance, swimming and cycling.

Popular recipes

The tincture of aspen of prostatitis

The prevention of prostatitis with the help of certain recipes – the second on the effectiveness of the tool. However, it is used much more than the first, due to the fact that it is more easy and not forced to work, and most importantly – delicious! In addition, not all people have the opportunity to practice a sport, for some of the physical constraints or strong of obesity.

The most popular are the recipes:

Tea with honey must completely abandon sugar, using diet only honey: 150 to 200 grams per day. This natural product improves the evacuation of the urine, reducing the feeling of pain and normalizes the indicators of the agency;

  • Pumpkin – you may not require any type of recipes, just drink a glass of pumpkin juice a day, to nourish your body with useful vitamins and micronutrients. Likewise, it is useful to is fresh pumpkin, without frying, as they have in its composition more amount of zinc necessary for men. Use in the diet of vegetables should be no more than a month;
  • The tincture of poplar – the bark should be collected in spring, with a thickness of approximately 3-5 mm, after which it must be ground and pour in the vodka, letting it sit for two weeks in the closed interior light. Consumption on day 3-4 glasses of infusion, diluting the 1/4 part water;
  • It is also useful for the consumption are: the parsley, the onion, the garlic, the fennel, blueberry, ginger and peanut.

Healing herbs

The wormwood and celandine – for easy access of the grass, which very well help in the initial phase of the treatment, since they reduce the pain of spasms and contribute to the recovery of urinary tract.

The wormwood can be used dry, with a pinch of herbs of water at each meal. In the event that is not yet in hand, and the thyme, you can do the cooking in this relationship, for the wormwood were 4 times more. It is necessary to accept the hour before the meal, in the period of one month.

In the treatment of celandine, you must get your juice and add a few drops in a glass of boiled water. The consumption of these drinks per day need to not less than 10.